info for SELECT.FRM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The formulae in SELECT.FRM were created by Jon Osuch. These formulae are for use with Fractint V16.0+ only. There are several ways of accessing these formulae. Perhaps the simplest is to rename FRACTINT.FRM to some other name, such as ORIGINAL.FRM, and then to rename SELECT.FRM to the name FRACTINT.FRM and then execute Fractint. Another way is to use the command line option-- fractint formulafile=select.frm Yet another way is to place the option into a file. Suppose you create a file named "SET" which contains-- formulafile=select.frm then you would execute Fractint as follows-- fractint @set The SET file can contain other options, for example-- formulafile=select.frm, inside=0, video=SF6 For further information, see Part II of "A Guide To Fractint". Some combinations of parameters and functions you will produce a one-color image. If this occurs, try using the bof60 inside color on the options screen, or using the distest option on the options screen. In other cases, a combination can cause Fractint to go haywire and even hang your computer. When this occurs, simply reboot.